Monday, November 18, 2013

"One Thing" for Mon. Nov. 18

Wordles, located at are a great thing to do in your class and are something I am using right now (and have before) with my computer class. If you haven't used them, essentially by typing into the field a number of words on a topic (favourite animals for instance) the words will all be jumbled into a word collage. The neat part is that any word you type more than once gets bigger (in relation to the ratio of how many times it was typed) so that a word typed 3 times is 3 times bigger (thereby indicating its increased importance to the word collage).

Since this is a space to share, here is a picture of my "values" as a human and an educator. I am aiming to meet these by doing my best every day. It's also in my favourite colour scheme (of which there are many)

Looking at that one as an example, if you are hoping to insert a multi word phrase, just be sure to include the ~ symbol between the words for instance: "Helping~Others" will keep the 2 words together as a phrase. My other tip when using wordles is to remember to "copy" your word list (and perhaps past it into Word) prior to hitting submit. That way you can go back and make minor changes without having to retype anything.

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