Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"One Thing" for Tues. Apr. 8

Yesterday, Mr. Robert Stewart and Mr. Kevin Lyseng, both from the school district, came to our school at lunch to meet with our "Green Team". They were telling us about the new composting system that will be coming to our school. By the end of the month!

The idea is that all the food waste (from lunches) will be deposited by students into one of 5 "shifter bins" that will be located in the hallways of our school. At the end of each day, the material from the "shifters" will be taken by the custodial staff out to a larger bin locked up and located outside. This is part of a GVRD initiative where recycling food scraps will be mandatory by 2015 in certain areas (like schools).

In my class today, we set up an experiment that will be running until the end of the year. We took a bunch of food waste that we found today and put it into the two sectors of this composter that we have at the school.

We will then be checking it every 2 weeks, taking photos, writing down about what has happened in each of the sectors and seeing what the differences are between the section with dirt and the one with newspaper in it. We're keeping it in one of the courtyards, so hopefully we won't have any fruit flies either!

In addition, we plan to do an audit of the school's garbage and find out what kind of stuff is getting thrown out!

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