Today was World Down's Syndrome Day. In Richmond, anyway.
The real day is on March 21st. Richmond School District got a bit of a jump on this by holding a special day at our school A couple of years ago, I wouldn't have known this. For the past two years, however, I have had a girl named Jodi in my class who has Down's, so now I do. Today, for what I believe was the 4th time, Diefenbaker was privileged to host Richmond School District's Down's Day. This is a day where all the students in the District that have Down's get invited. They played games, sang karaoke, danced, played BINGO, did lots of stuff in the gym (including the always exciting parachute) and got to hang out and not have to go to "school" for the day. Pretty neat stuff. There were quite a few people from the district there as well and this was good to see.
Today they also had a "Crazy Socks" theme. Unfortunately, I didn't get that message ahead of time.
Tamara Taggert, from CTV has a son named Beckett who has Down's. He goes to school in Vancouver, but she came to the event today and talked to all of the parents who came about her experiences with her growing son. She said her biggest fear was about him going to school. However, when he got there and she met the principal and saw that everything was about inclusion, she wasn't worried any more. She was very candid about everything including Beckett's birth and how it was trying to get him to eat solid food. Even though she apologized afterwards for "blabbing," her talk was amazing, inspirational and fantastic to hear as a parent. I'm glad I was there to hear it.
Sorry about the blurry pic, Tamara.
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