(like I do)...
For me, traffic safety is something that bangs around in my brain a little bit closer to the surface than for most other people. I have seen things I never thought I would have seen while standing in or at the side of an intersection in Vancouver. With that in mind, it's important to remember that with defensive driving, reduced speeds and a bit more general care and observation when driving, most "accidents" can actually be avoided. That's what we're hoping to have at and around our schools. After the fact, driver's are always wishing they had done things differently if they were in an accident.
Diefenbaker has a most unusual traffic situation with it's essentially separate entrances depending on whether you are coming in off of Williams or Steveston Hwy, but it is by no means the most awkward drop off/arrival situation I have seen. In fact, I feel the traffic actually flows pretty well on the Williams side for those not coming in to park.
We just need to remember the following when driving to school:
- don't drive if you can walk
- use the crosswalks near the school
- please don't drop off where the green men are located at school
- turn your car off if you are going to be stopped for more than 10 seconds. That's the tipping point for the amount of fuel to restart your car being less than keeping it running. Plus there's that whole "let's try not to kill the earth with our greenhouse gases thing"
- it is actually illegal to drop someone off to get out of the car without properly pulling over to park first
- don't text or use your cell phone while you are driving- driver distraction is now the #1 cause of crashes and deadly crashes
- drive for the weather and don't go out in your vehicle if it's improperly equipped
This ends "Officer Rollins'" safety "Rant."
Thanks for "listening"
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