Monday, November 4, 2013

"One Thing" for Mon. Nov.4

Are you on Twitter? If not, I recommend that you stop by and check it out. You can "lurk" for a while (yes that's what they call it). Lurking is when you follow people, learn stuff but don't tweet much yourself. I found a great quote (on twitter) that I think sums it up nicely.

"Think of Twitter as a waterfall with a whole bunch of information going by. You just have to stick your cup into the waterfall for a minute and pull something out." If you want that to be educational information, you can do that. I would recommend following a few people who are in a field of personal interest to you as well. So, if you're into English Premier League Soccer, for instance, then follow a few players/writers etc who tweet about that and you'll be able to get a feel for what twitter can do for you. Then, as you get more comfortable, you can tweet yourself and begin following more people who are in your field/area at work/school and you can begin to build your "personal network". I began following a couple of high tweeting educational folk: (David Truss and Aaron Akune to name a couple), because I know them personally from going to UBC with them. Now I am following people like George Couros and had the pleasure of meeting him at our recent BCPVPA professional day.

My next goal for Twitter is to get my Twitter Deck going on my laptop. I should have that up soon. Just as soon as I close all my open documents and am able to reboot...

So, give Twitter a shot. I promise you your money back if you aren't satisfied.

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